Server Internals

Server algorithm

The main routine for the HTTP server configures itself according to the command line arguments, reads the rules file into memory, and starts a thread that listens for TCP/IP connections to the specified port. When a connection is received, the listener thread creates a new thread with a start routine that performs the following actions:

  1. Reads the HTTP request from WWW client and parses out method, URL, and protocol. Any header lines included with the request are read at this time as well.
  2. Executes request (function http_execute()):

    1. Parse URL into scheme, host, ident, and search arg (if any).

    2. Apply rules file rules to ident portion of URL. Send error message and return if 'fail' rule triggered.

    3. If translated URL matched on an exec rule:
      Punt to DECnet task (WWWEXEC) with subfunction "HTBIN"

      else if requested method is "GET" or "HEAD":
      Retrieve file/directory and send to client.

      else if requested method is "POST":
      Punt to DECnet task with subfunction "POST"
  3. Close connection and exit thread.

Note the repeated use of the operation "punt to DECnet task", in which the server makes a DECnet connection to object WWWEXEC and lets the object control the processing of the request.

Document Retrieval

In most environments, the primary function of the HTTP server is the retrieval of files residing on the server machine. File-oriented URLs are processed with the steps:
  1. Check access, abort if access not granted.

  2. Determine if local port is no-cache port, which will inhibit placing retrieved file in cache.

  3. Determine content-type and encoding of document:
    1. Make list of content-types that client will accept by parsing request headers.
    2. Extract suffix and match content-type defined for suffix with those accepted by client, suffix of "/" is treated special and forced to type text/file-directory.
    3. If previous step found no match, abort request unless method is HEAD.

  4. See if content-type matches presentation rule in configuration file and punt to DECnet task with subfunction CONVERT if match.

  5. See if search argument (?xxx) present in request and punt to DECnet task with subfunction SEARCH if so.

  6. Check request headers for if-modified-since and convert time to binary if found. If no if-modified-since, check document cache for requested URL and complete request using data in cache if found.

  7. Open file, open depends upon case:
    Encoding is Binary
    Attempt open using fopen mode "rb".
    URL is directory
    Open directory using special mode "d" and check for existence of welcome file (index.html) in directory. If welcome file present, set status to re-direct request to welcome file.
    Encoding is 8Bit (text)
    Attempt open using fopen mode "r"

  8. If open failed, check for errant directory request (missing final slash) and set status for re-direct if directory found.

  9. If open successful, make HTTP header and send contents. If caching allowed and contents fit in cache buffer (4K bytes), save in document cache.

  10. If open failed, abort request with 404 status.

WWEXEC algorithm

The WWWEXEC procedure first opens SYS$NET, making it a PPF (Process Permanent File). It then reads the basic request parameters from the server (sub-function, method, ident, protocol) and continues processing based upon the sub-function:

For a more detailed description of the protocol used between the server and WWWEXEC, see the comments at the bottom of WWWEXEC.COM.
David Jones, Ohio State University